All potential donkey fosterers must complete the attached application form

By clicking ‘Submit’ you confirm that you have read all terms and conditions

‘Donegal Donkey Sanctuary are committed to keeping your data safe and will never sell or share it with any other organisations’.


What happens next?

  Once a written application is received a file will be opened and the rehoming process will begin.

 A welfare officer will call to your premises to discuss all requirements.

 An Equine Premises Registration number is required by the Department of Agriculture under EU regulations. We cannot process any application or rehome animals to an unregistered premises by law. Please fill out the attached HR1 form (Registration of an Equine Premises under the Control of Places where Horses/Donkeys are kept 2014).

 All prospective fosterers must attend a short induction course at Donegal Donkey Sanctuary before placement of donkeys.

 Name and contact details of vet and farrier must be provided to the sanctuary before placement. Donkeys hooves must be trimmed by a QUALIFIED farrier. Amateur foot care can cause permanent damage and is NEVER an option.

 Welfare officers will have access to inspect fostered donkeys at all times without prior notice.

 Fostered donkeys will always belong to Donegal Donkey Sanctuary. There is a strict no breeding policy and if there is any change in circumstances the donkeys must be returned to Donegal Donkey Sanctuary. In the unlikely event that a foal be born to a fostered donkey then the foal is the property of Donegal Donkey Sanctuary. In this instance both mare and foal will be returned to Donegal Donkey Sanctuary.

 Donegal Donkey Sanctuary reserve the right to remove donkeys from a foster home, if it is deemed necessary to do so.

 We must be informed immediately if a donkey becomes seriously ill or dies. All donkeys have a passport (identification document) by law and this must be returned to the sanctuary upon the death of the animal.

 There is no charge for your fostered donkeys but donations are always welcome. Please note that a delivery charge will be applied to cover diesel costs and will be discussed on an individual basis when the welfare officer calls for your home visit. Also, please note that a T1 or T2 licence is required for transporting equines (Department of Agriculture requirement).

 All costs relating to donkey care, including feed, bedding, dental care, hoof care and veterinary care are the responsibility of the foster home.

Finally you must have a big heart to give the donkeys all the love, attention and care that they deserve!